Sunday 6 February 2011

Top Of The Pops-Research

A summary of what is written on the PowerPoint presentation below:

Target Audience:
Top of the Pops magazine is aimed at a younger generation for girls usually aged around 11-15, it is an extremely well known magazine because it is a follow on from the show TopOfThePops that use to come on channel one. Their audience is targeted at a younger generation which is why they have chosen the colors: yellow, pink, white, purple and blue. These natural, calm colors represent a sense of innocence and purity which helps the choice of the audience. The language choice used is very child like “SNOG” is used at a young age children at the age of 16 and above would not use words such as “SNOG”, they have also used text talk such as “OMG”, the text in the front also sysmbolises that the magazine is aimed at a young generation of readers, the title of the magazine isn’t too formal or strict, its bubbly and bright (yellow) with a thin outline (pink) to reach out and grab the attention of young females.

Double Page Spread:
The interview page was on the new Disney movie “Camp Rock” which stars the three brothers “Jonas Brothers”. There is a whole page dedicated for their image and even a bit of the second page is of them too, they were also at the front of the magazine which shows they are the main focus. The colors are yellow and pink 9girly) and there is a picture of a boy band which attracts their main audience, this all compliments what the magazine are going for and who they have targeted.

After researching how much effort is gone into producing a magazine even if it is for the younger generation, I have realized it is extremely important to take into account everything when coming up with my own magazine, I would have to think about the age 9it is targeted at and from there I would be able to use appropriate language according to that, etc. 

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