Tuesday 26 April 2011

FINAL Product

After all the hard work, and editing, and photo-shopping, and re-writing, and correcting spelling mistakes etc. I finally managed to complete my Music Magazine. Below is my Front Cover, Contents Page and also my Double Page Spread (interview page)...Take a look and let me know what you think:

Final Masthead

After giving much thought to the title of my magazine I chose to use the word "WRAP"
I used musical notes for the letter 'W' to symbolise the "music" part of my magazine.
I used the word "WRAP" due to the fact that quite often in the show biz world they say "al right guys that a Wrap" which is also why my tag line 'it's a rap' because he has the stage bit to it, and also has the word 'rap' which is the genre of my magazine.
My 'W' isn't in line with the 'RAP' part of my title, reason being 'WRAP' and 'RAP' are two different words, So my magazine is called 'WRAP' with or without the 'W' the 'W' is placed slightly at an angle to symbolise a complete' wrap up' to show my magazine has a 'wrap up' of everything inside of it.

Below I have shown both my titles, in Blue and Red, but RED is the final one I have gone with using because I preffered it, rather then the blue one:

 This is the Blue title, as you can very well see it doesn't exactly grab your attention, and if it was sitting in a magazine rack, it wouldn't be the first magazine you see, and it is rather dull and not very interesting, also maybe because all the letters are lower case letters apart from the 'W' it doesn't stand out very well as 'The Title'.

This is the FINAL Title for my magazine, as you can see it has been improved, the colour is brighter and a lot more appealing towards the younger generation, who my magazine is targeted at. The whole title is also all in upper-case letters and so grabs your attention straight away. This, I believe is a much better masthead and I am very pleased with it.

My Evaluation

Below is my evaluation, which I presented to my class:

Constructing the interview page (double page spread)

Here is a step by step constructing of my double page spread:

Constructing the Contents Page

Here is a step by stem construction of my contents page:

Constructing the Front Cover

Here is a step by step construction of my fornt cover:

The Change

Initially I planed to make my magazine Blue and Orange, when constructed on screen, I didn't like it and so I just made my magazine blue.
I then found out that magazines are better and attract more attention when they are red, I thought I would step away from the obvious and so wanted to keep it blue, but I was forced to change it once I saw that my magazine looked much better when it was red.
Here is a slideshow showing my blue magazine and also showing my red magaine, now you decide which one you think is better.

Flat plan evaluation

Below is a slide show of my flat plan evaluation, It shows how I want my agazine to look and, why I chose to do certain things regarding the look of my magazine.

Hip Hop and RnB artists

Above are album pictures and singer pictures, of my specific genre, These are the artist I will be closely looking at, and trying to uderstand.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Test shots

In order to take the perfect picture I chose to practice and take pictures of people and things around me, I took different angles and different types of shots

Shot schedule

I had an idea of what kind of shots and pictures i had to take and so I made a table explaining the shots I was going to take and why I was taking them