Sunday 27 March 2011

My interview

Here is a write up of the interview I have taken:

Gabriella Valentina is UK’s newest stars; she’s gone from the girl next door to UK’s most talked about female artist. We were lucky enough to get the first exclusive interview with the upcoming star. Gabby was first discovered on YouTube by Red Bed Records - I’m sure she’s happy her friends put that video up now.

This talented star is only 18 years of age and she wants to study Accounting at Uni. Not just a pretty face with an amazing voice, she has brains too.
Let’s find out what she has to say about her brilliant success.
Hi Gabriella, how are you doing?
Hey there, I’m doing great, and please call me Gabby it sounds way better
(Laughs) Why? Don’t you like the name Gabriella?
I prefer Gabby; Gabriella sounds so formal, only my teachers call me Gabriella.
That’s right, you’re still studying. How are you copying with the fame, success, and on top of all that the stress of exams and Uni?
I love studying. [Pause] I just sounded like a nerd, (laughs) I enjoy studying I always have, and it’s true what they say, your best days are in Uni.
So what are your thoughts about the future, Uni or singing, or both?
I have always wanted to have a degree and see that proud smile on my parent’s faces and feel a sense of accomplishment in myself. But the truth it you go to Uni to gain a career, but I have just got a career in singing, luckily enough, so I guess we will have to see.
Now you’re on tour, you must have no time for a boyfriend in your life?
You’re right I don’t. It’s sad but the moment you get on stage and hear the fans screaming, all your worries seem to disappear and you want to give the best you’ve got. Life’s pretty unpredictable right now, but my friends and family help me to stand my ground. I don’t know what I’d do without them!
Did you ever think you would become such a well known singer, and such a great role model for your younger’s?
I never even dreamt of it; if someone said two months ago that I would be working with Chris brown in making an album I would have laughed. This would have probably never have happened if my friends and I didn’t have that karaoke night and one of them decided to upload the video on YouTube - I begged her to take it down! Imagine if she had none of this would have happened. Music truly is my everything. I have always loved it.
So, your first album, excited? What was it like working with the amazing Chris Brown?
It was absolutely amazing, I loved every bit of it, and he is so amazing and so sweet, he helped so much; I never ever thought I would be singing alongside him. He is the best mentor ever.
How does it feel being in the music industry?
This is industry is a pretty feisty one, it’s all about survival of the fittest. It’s me against the worlds.
Any memorable moments working with Chirs Brown, is he an actual Diva?
No No No he is sooo sweet; he was late almost every time though (laughs) Bless. Every time I worked with him was memorable, the one I will never forget will be the first time I met him, let’s just say I was in shock and couldn’t help but stare for around about 5 minutes I’d say.
What’s your philosophy in life, what do you aim to achieve?
Well, I believe you should give it your all, in whatever you do, don’t let anyone put you down. Make your haters your motivators. Someone once told me, ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve’, which inspired me. Another thing I’d like to say for all the younger children with dreams and ambitions, don’t give up. If you really want something you will get it. Just wait, your time will come.
Those are some wise words, thank you for sharing them with us. So any plans for the future? What do you think 2012 will bring for you or rather what would you like it to bring for you?
Well I’d like to work with Rihanna she is well and truly my inspiration and hopefully I will be making more songs and maybe release another album, who knows. All I know is I want to be number one baby! (Laughs)
(Laughs) Oh, well I will definitely be looking forward to that! Congratulations on being number one for the past two weeks - I hope your success continues. 

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Reader Profile

15-19 year old readers, aimed at both female and male buyers, roughly 60% female and 40% male. Listen and follow the lifestyle of UK Hip Hop and RnB artists. Up to date on the latest music albums and singers interested in social networking sited such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Have a great understanding of fashion dos and do nots and are not afraid to express themselves.